In the Enchantment of Watches: An Horologist's Perspective 

Time has always played a key role in human civilisation. The history of time and its measurement has been shaped over centuries, from the early sundials and hourglasses to the sophisticated mechanical watches. People have long been fascinated by how to measure and manage it accurately. This passion gave rise to sundials, then hourglasses, and finally mechanical clocks.

It was only a few years ago that I discovered the world of mechanical watches, which fascinate me with their artistic craftsmanship and intricate construction. Since then, I have been working as a watchmaker and my aim is to introduce others to this special art.

Watches are not only timekeeping instruments, they are also artistic creations that carry meaning in every movement and every moment.

This blog is to share my experiences, my passion for mechanical watches and my personal journey of how mechanical watches turned from a passion to a way of life.

The history of some of these watches, the innovations in them are true masterpieces of knowledge and craftsmanship. Watches today are more than mere timekeeping devices; in our fast-paced world they represent stability, heritage and style, reminding us to appreciate the moments that really matter.


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